- Ma’aden has worked with a local supplier to develop locally manufactured polyurethane screens that are used in the gold mine crushing circuit to convert mine output to an appropriate particle size for processing. Traditionally Ma’aden has used steel screens that were imported from China. The polyurethane screens cost 2.5 to 3 times more than the steel screens, but last 4 to 5 times longer, typically requiring changing every 4 to 5 weeks, compared to the weekly replacement of steel screens. This offers Ma’aden considerable cost saving, reductions in maintenance workloads, and working capital savings. Finally, by securing a local source of supply the gold mining business has established a more secure, shorter supply chain with reduced lead times.
- Ma’aden has worked with a local supplier to reverse engineer CRU shredder cutters and manufacture them locally. These parts were previously sourced from an overseas OEM manufacturer. Following an initial trial, the locally manufactured alternative has proven successful – as well as localizing the source of supply, the locally produced product can be supplied more cheaply than the imported version. Additionally, the local supply chain is more secure and shorter, and the reduction in logistics offers environmental benefits.
- Ma’aden is working with a local investor on the development of an onsite air separation unit to produce liquid nitrogen to directly supply Ma’aden’s phosphate operations in Ras Al Khair.
- Ma’aden has signed a supply agreement with a local investor for the supply of calcined petroleum coke (CPC) for use in its aluminum smelter in Ras Al Khair.
- Ma’aden is currently working with a local investor on the development of a manufacturing facility to produce food and pharmaceutical-grade aluminium foil, and aluminium cladding.
- Ma’aden is working with several local suppliers of recycled aluminium scrap to localize the supply of scrap metals to Ma’aden aluminium operations.
- Ma’aden is now investigating the development and localization of other key parts.