
                        At Ma'aden, we believe that one of

the most important responsibilities we have

is to develop and maintain a safe working

environment for our employees and the

local host communities.

At Ma'aden, we believe that one of the most important responsibilities we have is to develop and maintain a safe working environment for our employees and the local host communities.


Exploration and manufacturing in the

mining industry can never be entirely risk-

free but those risks must be minimized at

every stage.

Exploration and manufacturing in the mining industry can never be entirely risk- free but those risks must be minimized at every stage.

Towards Achieving Standards
for EHSS


The development of an Integrated EHSS Management system (MSHEM) was completed in 2020. This was a significant milestone in the Ma’aden EHSS journey.

MSHEM now covers 100% of employees and contractors. It comprises a set of risk-based, integrated, and interlinked policy and EHSS framework documents that define the requirements to effectively manage EHSS risks at our facilities.

These 85 MSHEM standards meet the international and national best EHSS standards and practices. In 2021, the system was formally launched by our CEO for full implementation across Ma’aden. The implementation of the MSHEM standards will lead to fully integrated standards across Ma’aden Affiliates. This will help to achieve:

Consistency in EHSS compliance & methodology.

Consistency in EHSS language –Standardization of definition, scope, requirements, and verification process.

Sustainable EHSS performance.

Furthermore, a Ma’aden Assurance Program for the MSHEM standards was implemented to ensure risks are appropriately identified and mitigation measures to continue operations with identified risks are implemented and approved.

The first cycle of the MSHEM audit has now taken place across all Affiliates and core functions.

These specific initiatives are part of a wider culture transformation program (SafeSTEPS) across the organization. SafeSTEPS positions safety as everyone’s responsibility, not something that is solely down to a specific department.

2021 Performance

SafeSTEPS and the implementation of MSHEM standards are already having a measurable impact on achieving our KPIs in this area.


In 2021, we established SHER (EHSS Rate) & PSER (Process Safety Event Rate) as new KPIs to focus on all EHSS incidents and Process Safety incidents. Visibility within the organization was enhanced around Regulatory Compliance issues such as notices of violations, penalties, Environmental Permit to Operate (EPO) validity, underground water results and remediation, and other sustainability KPIs.

Furthermore, KPIs for asset integrity have now been established by the Safety and Sustainability Board.

A suite of leading EHSS KPIs was established and made visible to the management to enhance focus on continuous improvements.

Year-over-Year Performance

2019 2020 2021
SHER 1.43 1.41 1.04
AIFR 0.37 0.22 0.20

SHER (EHSS Rate): The number of all EHSS Incidents, as a function of severity, per every 200,000 hours worked: (50XClass A + 5XClass B + Class C) X 200000 Hours worked (Direct Hire + Contractor employees)

AIFR: Total Recordable Incident Rate. Formula established by OSHA – Number of Recordable injuries X 200000 Manhours worked.

2021 Recordable Injuries

Contractors Total
Fatalities (FAT) 0 4 1
Lost Time Injury (LTI) 6 12 18
Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) 2 6 8
Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) 4 18 22
TOTAL HSE Incidents (Reportable) 12 37 49

Environmental Performance

2019 2020 2021
Notice of Environmental Violations & Penalties 14 27 2
Environmental Penalties 2 0 1