Ma'aden Aluminium Rolling Mill Plant - Ras Al Khair
However, towards the end of the year, we were seeing strong recovery, and the signs are that this recovery will continue into the first half of 2021.
Continuing production of slabs, billets, ingots and starting producing the new diameter 6” billets to the local market has strategically placed us on the right path forfurther growth as the market demand increases.
Auto sales and can body stock saw an average sales increase by two digits percentage wise of approximately 10% during 2020, while there was a 5% reduction in demand for can by one digit percentage wise.
Targets for 2020 alumina silos for the smelter were consistently achieved and sales to third parties were close to 300kt. There was also additional sale of hydrate to new customers during this period, a business area which is expected to increase in 2021.
Production (MT) | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 |
Bauxite Production | 4,730,690 | 5,031,412 | 4,945,927 |
Alumina Production | 1,774,173 | 1,798,340 | 1,782,041 |
Potlines Molten Production | 775,561 | 775,561 | 796,004 |
Casthouse Production | 966,749 | 966,749 | 1,010,563 |
Rolling Production | 220,404 | 279,197 | 284,285 |
Autosheet Production | 7,703 | 16,365 | 18,844 |