Saudization in
The mining industry is particularly vulnerable to cyber threats and attacks, due to the high degree of digitalization, interconnection and automation in the supply chain. As one of the fastest-growing mining companies in the world, Ma’aden sees strengthening cybersecurity as a key priority. Our Cybersecurity Steering Committee provides oversight and review of our continuing progress in this area.
In 2020, we invested in strengthening our cybersecurity resilience to deal with potential new threats, attaining ISO 27001 certification in 202We also achieved 84% compliance with the National Cybersecurity Authority mandates, exceeding the 2020 target by 14%.
Alongside this, in 2020 we also delivered a range of projects to upgrade Ma’aden technology infrastructure across all of our operations, including achieving 100% Saudization in cybersecurity. This helped to meet the requirements set by the government, whilst also helping to build cybersecurity capability within Saudi Arabia.
As we roll-out new technologies and platforms to staff across the business, we will ensure that access is managed through state-of-the-art cryptology and access technologies.