Ma'aden Gold Mine - Al Amar
Ma'aden Gold Mine - Al Amar
spent more than SAR
million on community
on education
on health, welfare, water
and sanitation
Each Member of our family recognizes that Ma’aden has a duty to give back to the local communities near our operations which have been a major part in helping us deliver this success. Since 2015, Ma’aden has approved 190 initiatives, spending over SAR 161 million across a range of social investment initiatives, including water and sanitation, community development, and capacity development, arts, culture and heritage, infrastructure development, education and training. The Ma’aden Community Initiatives Committee provides leadership and oversight for this important strand of work.
In 2020, Ma’aden spent more than SAR 38 million on community investment programs or initiatives. 52% of this spend was on education and 40% of the spend was on health, welfare, water and sanitation to help local communities manage COVID-19.
spent more than SAR
million on community
on education
on health, welfare, water
and sanitation
Our major funding priority, however, remains learning and skills. This is because of the pressing need to improve access to quality education, particularly in the Northern Borders Region
We see investing in education as a key route to help secure a better future for local people. We have a longstanding commitment to be an engaged and active supporter of a range of educational partnerships to support economic growth in Saudi Arabia.
The Saudi Mining Polytechnic in Arar, provides specialist technical training in surface mining, underground mining and plant operations. Its key goal is to help develop the industrial workforce required for the mining industry in Saudi Arabia, which is central to realizing the Comprehensive Mining Strategy, as well as the Kingdom’s 2030 vision for growth in the mining sector
The Schools of Excellence Project (SoE), in the Northern Borders region of Saudi Arabia is a partnership between Ma'aden Wa’ad al Shamal Phosphate Company (MWSPC) and the Ministry of Education (MoE). The project aims to support the general education system in the Northern Borders, by establishing and running two schools that will model best practices in terms of curricula, instructional staff, learning facilitation and educational outcomes.
With COVID-19 likely to bring further global economic challenges, we know that it is now more important than ever for Ma'aden to deliver opportunities to local people within Saudi Arabia. As a result, we have prioritized Local Content as a major objective for the coming years, in support of both our own strategic objectives and those we share with others through Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030.