Since 2018, we have seen steady improvements against our key performance indicators which look at management of risks and the number of recordable incidents per manhour worked (TRIR). This year, the number of TRIR reduced by 24%, achieving the 2020 target by a significant margin. At our major Ammonia 3 construction project in 2020, we achieved 10 million safe man-hours. At our Mansourah and Massarah Gold project we hit 4 million safe man-hours.
However, despite this positive progress, we also know that every injury and every fatality is one too many.
This year, very sadly, we saw the deaths of three contractors. It is a reminder to us that we must always find ways to operate more safely, to drive our safety standards ever higher and move to a position where such incidents are reduced to zero. Our Board and our Leadership Team are committed to making this happen.